Advising Services

Make Sure You Are On The Right Path with The Human Stack.

Tim Lockie has been in nonprofits and tech for over 20 years. Over the last decade, he founded Now IT Matters and The Human Stack, dedicated to helping nonprofits succeed with their technology.

If you are not ready to book but interested in learning more, let us know what is on your mind.

Trusted by
Nonprofits, Associations, Agencies, Platforms, Professionals Everywhere

Duncan McGovern
This provides a specific framework and methodology for proactively addressing questions and problems that arise at the intersection of humans and technology.
Duncan McGovern
Alexandra Theroux
I met Tim in a digital conference in a brain date while I was deep in the middle of trying to figure out how to "simplify" our organization's digital systems. I was drawn to join the conversation because it was highlighting the emotions involved when working with people and technology which was something that I had always felt while trying to support people using systems but never had the words for nor heard others talking about.
Alexandra Theroux
Operations Manager
Hey there Tim…greetings from NetHope in Baltimore! I just wanted to reach out personally because you were the talk at dinner last night after your session yesterday….many tech leaders were very intrigued, impressed, and curious to know more after you spoke. Congrats!
Sterrin Bird
Senior Director, Nonprofit Industry Advisor
Carly Armstrong
The Human Stack's methodology forces you to evaluate the behavioral patterns that will make nonprofits adopt your product and, more importantly, sustain using it. Products in the nonprofit realm frequently miss out on how fundraisers think and act, creating a great divide between the technology and the people. Advising with Tim has helped us re-evaluate product features to meet fundraisers where they are instead of trying to force users to be the ones to close the gap.
Carly Armstrong
tim lockie cutout

1 Hour Video Consultation

Sometimes, all you need is an expert on your side. Our 1-hour video consultations with Tim Lockie give you a safe space and straightforward conversation that solves the problems holding you back.

Someone who has been there and isn’t going to be overwhelmed by any tech drama you might be experiencing and can give you a next step.

Advising Call


1 Hour Zoom Call

Topics we excel at include:

Implementation partner business questions

Prioritizing the survivability of businesses and organizational entities

Nonprofit technology trends

How to fund a technology project

Is X a red flag, or am I wearing pink glasses?

How do we get X unstuck?

Executive coaching for nonprofit leaders

Putting out fires

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