You want to help your clients move from technology resistant to technology resilient.
Digital Guidance® is our proprietary methodology for building resilience and human capacity to manage technology for organizations of all sizes. If you want to incorporate The Human Stack Digital Guidance® methodology into your services and delivery, read on.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain
The Human Stack is an ethos that solves technology problems through human-centered methods and mindsets for professionals, teams, and organizations ready to invest in their digital transformation.
We are a group of #socialgood professionals excited to lead this industry in a new direction—one in which tech people and companies never forget to remember the humans these systems are built to support.
The ultimate goal is for the nonprofits we support to thrive with the technology and services we provide as partners. It has been proven that traditional tech methodologies are very good at putting systems in place, but the lack of investment in the humans before, during, and after those projects renders their powerful systems inadequate to give the insights and story they deserve.
Our Digital Guidance® methodology works. We have consistently seen an impact using this method. We have guided organizations through Digital Transformation, empowering their staff with no technical background to take the lead on their organizational-wide technology projects and reach digital maturity.
Our industry has conditioned us, consulting partners, to think technology first, digital-first, configure the tech, and quickly get out to help more organizations. This last decade has taught us that this approach is not serving the #socialgood community; 90% of organizations collect data, but only 40% use data to make decisions.* Something is missing here, and we know it's the humans.
Changing our current ways might seem like an impossible task to incorporate another element to service delivery, but it is not, and firms are already doing it. The Human Stack℠ addresses very important questions that dictate the success of any tech project: How are your clients measuring their own digital maturity? How are they interacting with their data to support transformation? How do their organizational stakeholders (Humans) think about technology?
Digital Guidance® is the foundation needed to build human rhythms that result in digital maturity for an organization. It is through small, repetitive behavior changes that we see true Digital Transformation.
Gone are the days of having to know how to code or having to rely on someone who does in order to create and manage your marketing site, landing pages, and email campaigns. CLEAN is based on insanely flexible and customizable row modules that you can drag and drop to create pages and easily optimize them along the way.
You will have access to loads of fine grain customization controls right from within the page editor. Select the rows background color, text color, row spacing, how things animate in, and so much more.
Just because you are using a template system doesn not mean your website has to look like a template. CLEAN was built with designers, like you, in mind. You will have wide ranging control of style elements including color, spacing, column sizes, shadows, and much more.
Not a designer? Not a problem. Your team will think you are by using CLEAN.
The Human Stack helps us deliver more lasting value and transformation for our clients, by shining a spotlight on how people actually use technology systems.
You want to help your clients move from technology resistant to technology resilient.
You know the best client relationships grow over time and don't end after one project.
You're ready to invest in a new methodology focused on humans by adding value to existing methods.
Everyone else is leading with tech, we are creating a community of partners who want to lead with Humans.