Nonprofit Leader AI Training

If you're like the nonprofits we talked to, you would love to ignore AI but know you can't.

So you need an AI game plan for your team. And AI confidence. And hands-on-keyboards training. And step by step instructions.

And at least a little entertaining and  not full of AI terms you don't know. And it needs to get you ahead with AI. (But first you need to catch up.)

And it can't disrupt your team or break your stride. Also, it needs to be affordable. And it can't be too time consuming.

Also you want a lot of AI tips about the tools out there, and some resources, and how different people on your team could use it.

Does that sound about right? 

Coming Soon

The GOOD NEWS is we are making it.

The BETTER NEWS is it will be done this summer!

The BEST NEWS is you can join the waitlist now!


Join The Waitlist!

Blue The Nonprofit AI Playbook

Launching In...







