What the TECH Series
How, as a Leader, do we "Lead" Nonprofit Tech?
A webinar designed to help nonprofit leaders support their team in engaging with digital strategy and adoption
July 17 - 9:30 AM PT | 12:30 PM ET
What the TECH Series
How, as a Leader, do we "Lead" Nonprofit Tech?
A webinar designed to help nonprofit leaders support their team in engaging with digital strategy and adoption
July 17 - 9:30 AM PT | 12:30 PM ET

Your role as nonprofit leader is critical to technology success...
And yet leading nonprofit technology initiatives at your nonprofit feels impossible.
How the tech, do I lead the tech, when I am not in to tech?
You are struggling still with Excel and have now found yourself making decision about technology that have enormous organizational, timeline and fiscal implications. It's like someone said:
"Since nonprofit leaders are already over their heads, let's just add Technology to the list of things that are critical for success but you have no training in."
Do I need this webinar?
As a leader I am not even sure what technology responsibilities need to be delegated
Even when I know what needs to be done, I'm not sure who to delegate the work to
How do I create responsible accountabilities among my nonprofit team
What monthly actions does my team need to take to stay on track with tech and keep it running smoothly

This webinar deeply resonated with our team and helped us understand why the idea of changing one more piece of tech was so overwhelming and how to manageably chart a path forward. As we have worked through the course, our team has moved from skeptical to pleasantly surprised at how quickly we have been able to address some previously intractable problems and the consistent feedback loops that keep them involved in the process along the way.
Jennifer Owens
One Valley
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About Your Host Tim Lockie
Tim Lockie has been in nonprofits and tech for over 20 years. Over the last decade, he founded Now IT Matters and The Human Stack, dedicated to helping nonprofits succeed with their technology.
As a former Salesforce MVP and Partner, Salesforce.org Equality Partner, and Microsoft Partner, his experiences have shown him the impact of system deficiencies on organizations. That's why he is passionate about creating access to Digital Transformation for all nonprofits, regardless of size.
In 2021, Tim developed and launched Digital Guidance®, a methodology designed to move nonprofits from tech-resistant to tech-resilient and transform the nonprofit industry into a human-centered digital space.