The Human Stack Community!

Let's face it: nonprofits struggle with tech. Don't let tech issues slow you down. Our community is specifically designed to make nonprofit professionals tech-savvy. Join countless others who have turned their tech challenges into victories.

Join Bad @ Tech. It's Free!

We are so excited to offer a shame-free zone where we offer human-centered tech resources focused on the nonprofit space. Bad @ Tech is a place to acknowledge, vent, and commiserate that technology can be challenging, and sometimes, to put it simply, we are just #BADatTECH. 

Our goal is to create:

  • A no-shame space to vent
  • Easy learning
  • A place to come have a laugh
bad at tech - the human stack's free community
community featured 675

The Human Stack Community

Our paid community is where Digital Voluntolds, Accidental Techies, and other tech enthusiasts can gather, share ideas, and support one another in all tech-related things. You can ask our community anytime, any day, and industry experts will be by your side to answer your questions.

Beyond just a collection of resources, this community is a welcoming and nurturing space where you can elevate your digital maturity by connecting with others experiencing the same challenges and emotions.

Digital Driver's Ed Course

Digital Driver's Ed is a self-guided video course and SO much more. Give us four months. We can change how you think about nonprofit technology. This will make a real impact for your team and organization.

  • Step-by-Step Digital Transformation Roadmap
  • Weekly Student Hours
  • Skill Advancement
  • Shift Your Mindset
  • Measurable Results
Digital Driver's Ed course

Let's find the right spot for you.

Bad @ Tech The Human Stack Community Digital Driver's Ed
Pricing FREE!
$ 0
per month

$ 197
per year

$ 550
per month for 6 months
Community Features
Shame-Free Space
Easy Learning Opportunities
Member Directory
Mobile App
Interaction and Support
Discussion Forums
Ask The Community
Peer Review and Feedback
Carpool Coworking
Access to Expert Network
Exclusive Content
Core Content
Modules and Lessons
Downloadable Resources
Progress Tracking
Live Student Hours
Ongoing Access
Certificate of Completion

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